Ajwa dates from Saudi Arabia
Ajwa dates are a specialty of the Medina region in Saudi Arabia. Their production does not exist anywhere else! They are among the most renowned varieties of dates in the world. They are very well known in Oriental medicine, where they have the reputation of acting as an antidote against diseases when eaten every morning >. They are indeed full of nutrients as well as antioxidants, which fight against many pathologies and everyday ailments.
Their flesh has a thick, fruity and naturally sweet texture, reminiscent of the flavors of caramel, with a slight aftertaste of licorice. . Ajwa dates have a predominantly black color, even very dark burgundy.
TAYIBA has the particularity of offering you Ajwa dates in fresh (“routab”) or firm (“tamr”), with a choice of medium or large caliber. The latter results from a selective choice in order to offer you a large caliber of the best qualities. When fresh, these dates are melting and creamy. As they are wet, their skin is wrinkled and cracks slightly under the tooth. The firm version is very nutritious, it is rich in fiber and provides all the necessary contributions to start the day off right. It is a food ancestrally known to be the perfect ally of breakfast.
We also produce date molasses Ajwa: a syrup composed solely of pressed dates, without any other additions. It is perfect for naturally sweetening your ice creams, sorbets, tiramisu, yogurts and other desserts... And replacing jam or any industrial sugar.
300g Tamr
300g Routab
500 g Routab
Medium caliber
500 g Tamr
Medium caliber
1 kg
Large caliber
1 kg
Large caliber
mélasse AJWA
Quite simply, AJWA pressed dates without any additions for a useful and tasty contribution.
How to choose it

The Ajwa date has a color varying from black to reddish, sometimes striped on the ends. Its flesh is thick and fibrous around the core.
tasting idea

Ajwa dates are your breakfast allies. In winter, they go very well with citrus fruits. In summer, do not hesitate to taste them with mangoes or watermelon.

Fresh Ajwa dates (routab) can be stored in positive cold for several weeks. They can deteriorate with prolonged or intensive contact with heat and then develop a smell of maceration as well as mold. Be careful not to confuse it with date sugar, which sometimes comes out naturally and constitutes a kind of juice or grains of sugar around the dates, this is classic Routab (fresh) varieties. Firm Ajwa dates (tamr) can be stored for several months in a dry place, away from air, in an airtight container if possible. They are eaten at room temperature.